
More Buckets!


Some of these buckets, were given us, by Sr. Silvino from Café Tropical, Sr. Carvalho from Café Chave D`Ouro, Sr. Carlos Afonso from Café Paula, Dona Maria do Carmo from Café Bocage, Dona Ana Pereira from Café Paulista, Sr. Ricardo from Pastelaria Bom Gosto 2, Sr. Carlos Miguel from Teatro S. João, Dona Emília do Porto Ginginha, Ying Chen da High Seat store.

Thanks for the help in our "Bucket Collection"! :)
Some of the images that João took, were resized to a bigger size to be printed for one of this Bucket Project performative actions, in which we will be putting the posters with the borrowed buckets in the vitrines of Batalha Theatre.

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